Ambrose Set For TV Return

Ambrose Set For TV Return

Marcos Ambrose will be back on Foxtel screens before the end of the year after a broadcasting debut that was described as “incredible” by Supercars Television chief, Nathan Prendergast.

Ambrose was a last-minute substitute for the Supercars’ broadcast from Symmons Plains, slotting into the Craig Lowndes role as analyst alongside his former bitter rival, Mark Skaife.

Ambrose has told Race News that he would be keen to continue his broadcast work and Prendergast is now working on a plan for the rest of 2021, and beyond.

“I want to bring him back. And I would ideally like to have him back for the big ones,” Prendergast told Race News.

“I want to use him. He was great.

“He was absolutely incredible. He did a brilliant, brilliant job.”

Prendergast admitted he is in talks with Ambrose, but said there are lots of moving parts in the television coverage that would need to be tweaked.

“The initial intention was for it to be a one-off but, given how well it went, we’re looking at ways to include him in future broadcasts.

“We’re still looking at how we can include him as an addition, rather than a replacement. It will involve, obviously, a tweak of formats and roles.

“Given his enthusiasm and what he brings to the broadcast I think it would be complimentary and not a negative change.”

But he stressed there is still a lot of work to be done.

“We haven’t done a deal yet.

“We’re looking at what options we have for the remainder of the season. We have to be very targeted with how we use him. It’s complicated.”

But he had gushing praise for Ambrose’s broadcasting debut and what he brought to the Foxtel telecast.

“It’s probably the best debut of anyone I’ve ever seen in that role. He complimented everyone he worked with. He brought balance, enthusiasm and professionalism to the role.”

The broadcast veteran admitted he was surprised, even shocked, by Ambrose.

“It was a big surprise. I knew he would be good, but I didn’t realise he’d be that strong.

“His real strength was in the analysis role on the desk, and opportunities like that are limited in the telecast. And we have existing people that fill those roles.”

Fans, also, gave Ambrose the thumbs-up.

“It’s amazing. The digital team said he broke the internet. There was a huge amount of commentary on social media about how good he was,” said Prendergast.

Although nothing is signed, Prendergast is hugely positive about a future role for Ambrose and one that stretches past 2021.

“It’s about finding the right place for him to deliver for us as well as he did in Tasmania.

“I’d say there is a 95 per cent chance he will be back. We just have to do a deal that makes sense for both of us.”